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  • Vineyard Ministries Central Mexico

Child Orchestra Concert in the Angela Peralta Theater

The following is a report from Oralia Collom:

The day had arrived, the concert was happening, and so we took our beloved orchestra to the Angela Peralta Theater. It has been a long journey, and truthfully, it has not been easy. It has been a difficult project to sustain, however, the perseverance of all involved (students, teachers, parents, etc.) is giving results.

A huge thank you goes out to all who have been part of this beautiful orchestra. Thanks to the teachers that lovingly go to Loma Bonita each week to teach despite all of the inconveniences including the oppressive heat. They have been committed to giving their time and talents in each of the classes they teach. They are always available to give the best of themselves to teach these children. Thank you to teacher, Pablo López whose big heart and commitment gives us musical arrangements in accordance with the level of our students. Thank you to our Vineyard family for providing for the necessary expenses, for ensuring these young ones do not lack anything, not even a string or a bow.

A special thank you to the Orchestra Director, Elizabeth Mejia, for all the love she has put into this project.

Thank you, God, because we know that the Orchestra of Hope was born in Your heart. We believe this is a part of the purpose that He has for the lives of these children.

Be watching for the upcoming video about the concert in a future email and on our social media.

The Vineyard Team

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