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Mans best friend suffering alone

Vineyard Ministries Central Mexico

VMCM jumps into action:

One of the requirements from the federal government to close the dump, is all the dogs need to be removed and sent to animal shelters. They are in the process of doing this now.

Yesterday over 100 people were gathered in front of the dump and we gave them a food bag, a meal and fresh drinking water. There is no word on when or if the dump will reopen.

We have already collected contact information from several of the dump folks. Depending on whether they open the dump or not we will have a plan to adjust to the situation.

The people who make their living digging through garbage are still locked out of the dump. However the garbage trucks are dumping some of the garbage outside of the dump so the people are digging through the garbage there.

Thank you to all who donated to help those in need. I always think of Proverbs 19:17

Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord and he will reward them for what they have done.

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